Pin-Ups In Texas

Pin-Ups are Coming to Texas for Patriotic WWII-Style Fun
National Touring Production comes to El Paso, Austin & Dallas with Vaudeville-style Burlesque Show to raise funds for hospitalized Veterans and Deployed Troops
PIN-UPS ON TOUR is a good time for a great cause. From the moment guests enter the event, they will be treated to something special. Our goal is to recreate the magic of the Hollywood Canteen that operated during the 1940’s as a club offering dancing, drinks and entertainment for servicemen, usually on their way overseas. This touring cast of Pin-Ups (Including Navy Veteran & tap dancing sensation Buddy Watson & Texas-Native Caitlin Comeskey) visits Veteran halls & organizations across the nation with their morale boosting program.
As a part of our mission, tickets for current or former service members are FREE as our way of saying “thank you” for your service. We also work very hard to keep cost low for everyone so the community can attend. Additionally, 20% of all proceeds goes back to award-winning nonprofit Pin-Ups for Vets to support their work with Hospitalized Veterans and Deployed Troops.
Since our first event in 2014, Pin-Ups on Tour has been able to bring over 3,500 people together to support our troops, has been able to donate over 1000 tickets back to our Veterans and has been able to entertain close to 1100 Active Duty & Veteran Service Members in our nations VA Hospitals. In addition to providing quality entertainment for veterans, our events have raised over $26,000 to help support Pin-Ups for Vets Morale Boosting Mission. Our work have been featured on Abc news, Good Day LA, We Are The Mighty, Los Angeles Daily News, NBC News, Fox News and various other media outlets. We also have over a quarter million supporters on our various social media pages who follow our adventures as we travel around the country.
Talent available for interview & Media is Invited to attend with advance approval - to coordinate, please email show’s producer Julia Reed Nichols at or simply respond to this email. Thank you so much for your consideration.
Pin-Ups on Tour: Operation El Paso
Friday, January 19th
VFW Post 812
Pin-Ups on Tour: Operation Austin
Saturday, January 20th
Charles Johnson House
Pin-Ups on Tour: Operation Dallas
Sunday, January 21st
VFW Post 6796
Veterans Attend Free *While tickets last
More info & Ticket information at